Getting an ordinary bank loan as a Swedish startup or as a new small to midsize company is usually very tricky. If you don’t know any key persons of influence at the bank or have any influential business contacts, your loan application will most likely be declined by the bank. Lack of finance is a rather common problem in Sweden. Many companies complain about having problems getting getting hold of sufficient financial means for expansion and investments, thus hindering the business from growth.
However,in recent times, quite a few new small business loans have been made available in Sweden. Independent loan companies are now trying to fill the demand for business financing. Simultaneously we are seeing an increased interest in alternative financing and crowdfunding primarily aimed at building projects, small companies and entrepreneurs.
We list and compare 8 different business loan companies in Sweden

Loan Firm | Capitalbox företagslån Ferratum Business SE |
Company | Ferratum Sweden AB |
Organization number | 556695-9655 |
Loan amount | 20.000-2.000.000 SEK. |
Repayment time | 6-24 months. |
Payout to account | Inside 48 hours. |
Rates | Average monthly interest rate 2.9 percent *The interest rate is set individually. |
Setup fee | 2.5 percent of total loan amount. |

Loan Firm | OPR Företagslån |
Company | OPR-Finance AB |
Organization number | 556707-7044 |
Loan amount | 30.000-500.000 SEK. |
Repayment time | 1-18 months. |
Payout to account | Loan amount will be transfered to account shortly after application approval. |
Rates | Monthly interest rate from 2.04 percent *Interest rate vary depending on loan amount. |
Setup fee | All loan fees and rates are included in a fixed price. |

Loan Firm | Qred |
Company | Qred Företagslån AB |
Organization number | Org. nr: 559008-9800 |
Loan amount | 10.000-1.000.000 SEK. |
Repayment time | 6-18 months. |
Payout to account | Normally the loan amount will be transferred to your business account the same day as the application was completed. |
Rates | A fixed fee. |
Setup fee | All loan fees and rates are included in a fixed fee. |

Loan Firm | Svea Företagskredit |
Company | Svea Ekonomi AB |
Organization number | 556489-2924 |
Loan amount | Up to 1.000.000 SEK. |
Repayment time | Flexible credit. |
Payout to account | Apply and get an immediate answer, Svea Ekonomi well do there best to make the business credit ready for use qucikly. |
Rates | Monthly interest rates 0.47% - 3%. |
Setup fee | Setting up fee 995 SEK plus a recurring monthly fee of 195 SEK. |

Loan Firm | Collector Growth Loan |
Company | Collector Bank AB |
Organization number | 556597-0513 |
Loan amount | 50.000 - 500.000 SEK. |
Repayment time | 6-18 months. |
Payout to account | Apply and get a loan answer inside of 24 hours, after approval Collector will transfer the money to your account within approximately 1-5 days. |
Rates | Monthly interest rates 0.65% – 1.75%. |
Setup fee | Setting up fee 895 SEK. |

Loan Firm | BusinessCredit SE |
Company | WS Finance Global AB |
Organization number | 559128-1885 |
Loan amount | 10.000 - 500.000 SEK. |
Repayment time | 3-12 months. |
Payout to account | Apply and get a quick response, applications approved before 15 pm. on non holiday weekdays will be transfer as quickly as possible. Direct payout is possible to businesses holding an account at Danske bank, other banks will receive the transaction within approximately 1-2 days. |
Rates | Fixed monthly payment. Calcuated yearly interest rates 23,99%-49,92%. |
Setup fee | No setup fee. |

Loan Firm | Kameo fastighetslån |
Company | Kameo ApS |
Organization number | CVR-nr. 36490896 |
Loan amount | 500.000-60.000.000 SEK. |
Repayment time | usually within 1-24 months. |
Rates | Annual Interest of 5 - 15%. |
Setup fee | Setup fee 2-5% of the loan amount. |

Loan Firm | Credinord Företagslån |
Company | Credinord Oy |
Organization number | Org. nr: FI29949631 |
Loan amount | 10.000-1.000.000 SEK. |
Repayment time | 6,12 or 18 months. |
Payout to account | Normally the loan amount will be transferred to your business account the same day as the application was completed. |
Rates | Fixed monthly fee. |
Setup fee | Fixed setup fee 1.13% - 1.36% depending on repayment plan. |
All business loans featured on this page are regulated by the Swedish financial supervisory authority, Finansinspektionen (FI).
Common business loan requirements
- Hold a Swedish business bank account.
- the Company must be registered with the Swedish Companies Registration Office (Bolagsverket) and hold a valid business registration number (
- the Business owner usually needs to reside in Sweden.
- Most corporate loans require personal bail.
Other requirements you may or may not need to meet
Lenders typically will examine some or all of the following criteria:- Credit score.
- Age of your business.
- Annual revenue.
- Personal debt-to-credit ratio.
- Personal income.
- Potential collateral.
- Motivation/Intention explaining motivation for loan.