If you have an idea, a new project, or just lack capital for your business, it makes sense to find investors. It’s a great way to get things going, and there are several of investors looking for new projects to invest in.
How to apply for capital for your project
It is relatively simple to apply for capital, although it does require some effort to construct a truly successful application.
It is important to have a clear idea and a solid business plan, to begin with. When they are in place, you are ready to apply for capital. It’s easiest to do it on the internet for the most part.
Find a website where investors are typically presented and make a listing. It is important that you explain your vision in a suitable manner, and that you can make an attractive and interesting presentation. The better you are at explaining your project, and the more interesting it appears – the easier it is to attract good investors.
Are You an Entrepreneur And in need of Money? Read our best tips on how to find capital.
Good ways to find investors
First off, you need to know what kind of investors you are looking for, it really depends on you your idea. Are you looking for several smaller investors (are you a game developer or movie maker) or do you need some large investors (e.g. if you are developing an expensive physical product)?
You should also determine what investors get from investing in your product to find the right people to work with. Investors with great value, usually only go on board if they receive equity in the project.
There are several places on the Internet, both Nordic and International pages, where it is possible to make announcements, which potential investors can see.
Alternatively, you can personally contact people who are known to invest in new businesses. Check out the activity on the largest crowdfunding and entrepreneurial sites.
Overall, if you lack capital, there are more options than ever before. There are even television programs like Dragons’ Den where you can participate and tell about his idea, and then hear about previously successful business people going into the project.
Business Angels are interested in financing new businesses
Maybe you’ve heard the term “Business Angels” before. These are wealthy people who often invest in companies hoping to get a bigger profit later in return. These are serious investors.
Business Angels sometimes act individually, but there are also groups and networks where several Business Angels invest together.
If you are open to offering equity in the project, then it is a good idea to contact some Business Angels. There are quite a few of them, even in the Nordic market. The advantage is that you can potentially get a large initial capital through them. Many Business Angels also have experience from their own companies or from the financial market. If you are lucky, they may also give you some professional guidance pro bono in addition to the capital investment agreed upon.